#Avenger: Age Of Ultron
|The time has finally come for our fearless Uncle Tan a.k.a #Avenger Dave to endure 7 hours of flight to destination Down-under. He can probably squeeze 2 full length marathons within the same period of time.
And look, he and his run buddies bore the same colors as the #Avengers in Endgame. Coincident?
Under the chilly weather of Winter Australia, he will embark on his quest to dominate the Gold Coast.
Nothing can stop his determination to reach the finishing line in the best possible time.
Unless he is absolutely distracted and enticed by the beauty of the beach, scenery and native Babes.
Of course, this is NOT the Uncle Tan we know.
He will only be distracted by…. Fresh Fish.
Enough distraction already, time to head out to collect his race pack.
And for the rest of Uncles back in Singapore, Uncle Tan has something for us – the First Place 4D number this weekend.
However, nothing can beat his greatest catch of his trip – a photo taken with his idol.
Stay tune for more updates. Meanwhile, share this post and “Like” it on our Facebook page.