RUNUNCLERUN.COM is founded by 5 key members – all belonging to the same demographics others consider “upper-middle-age” – who have the passion to participate in long distance running events that took place both locally and in foreign countries. There is no such thing as “age limited” in our context and we hope to inspire more to take up activities they love and pursue them like no tomorrow. After all, we live only once.
Our motto: “Live life to the fullest and without regrets.”
We provide no other services except spiritual support whenever any team member takes part in a running event. Long or short, we will be there.
To say simply “We Love RUNUNCLERUN.COM” would be a serious understatement.
This passion for RUNUNCLERUN.COM has been with the staff at RUNUNCLERUN.COM for a very long time and it will hopefully shine through in the articles and content we produce here on the site.
We have a staff of people who are dedicated to bringing you more than a recap of the latest news and the high flying headline. We want to show you that RUNUNCLERUN.COM is multifaceted and truly has a life all its’ own.
We are actively looking for content curators, producers and creators. If you would like to learn more about working for us please feel free to “Contact Us” and we will get back with you!
Most of all Enjoy, Share, Like, Link, Tweet and everything else you can do to our content here on the site.