Uncle Teow Dreams Of This At Night

When you combine an Uncle and a Dream, what do you get?

A “Wet” dream.

Wet from perspiration and mountain dew. Sometimes from morning leaves when running through the dense forest floor.

Welcome to TMBT: The Most Beautiful Thing Ultra-Marathon Trail Run. All 109km of epic experience.

Post pandemic 2022 TMBT is a whole new challenge. The Diablo has returned with a greater vengeance. For those who remembered back in 2019, Uncle Teow battled the younger brother and won. This time round, our warrior is older and wiser. Fully trained with a mental strength of 1000 warriors. So watch out Diablo, meet the Kung Fu power of Uncle Teow.

Uncle Teow Battling Diablo Again

Our Uncle Teow represents the best of our Uncles. He shall take a good meal and a good rest before he embarks on the journey that will bring to strange magical lands.

A Warrior’s Dinner
A Warrior’s Armor

Check back on this channel as we bring you the latest of his status as he sets off his journey in a couple of hours time.