Uncles Unleashed

All Uncles are having the “Are We There Yet?” syndrome – like a bunch of rowdy kids on an outing. The first event of our year long running plan.

Source: RunUncleRun

The race packs are collected and they are all ready for tonight’s Standard Chartered Singapore “Night” Marathon 2019!!!! Flag off at 6pm F1 Pit.

Source: RunUncleRun

There is no turning back. The only path is forward. Even though the weather forecast is not in favor of a cool cloudless run, the Uncles will persevere through the predicted stormy night.

Source: RunUncleRun

We will broadcast our progress of the run via the SCSM App. Track us live by keying in the Race BIB number and follow us as we race through the night till we reach the finish line.

Source: SCSM App

Watch for more updates on this blog.